Por sua conta e risco =) Em ingles!
Originally posted by Bearcubsfan:
My friend who knows people at Fox and elsewhere gave me some new hints.She's been pretty accurate and there's good news and not so good but not necessarily bad news.
1. From what she's heard there's no doubt by the time the series ends B&B will be together in a committed relationship. In fact the goop is the series will end either with their wedding or the birth of their first baby together.
2. They will be a couple as in a romantic relationship by the end of the season but exactly how far things will go by the end of the season is a little up in the air.
3. Cam will get a boyfriend this season but before that Booth as her closest male friend very much becomes a father figure in Michelle's life.
4. She's seen more of the season premiere than the promos. She says most fans will love it. She's seen the famous I love you scene and it is better than the promo appears to be. It sets the stage for things to get going and sets where they are now.
5. She's heard there's a kiss in the first few episodes. She knows one's been filmed.
6. The Lie to Me Crossover is about a 90 percent sure thing and would probably air in February.
7. Fox is going to promote this show full steam ahead as we already have seen. There's at least one more season premiere promo.
8. November will be a big month. (GD episode is in November. Major development for B&B in November possible connected)
9. They will be the featured show for promos during the baseball postseason.
10. There might be a national contest kind of thing.
11. Emily and David are dolls to interview and deal with. People who work for magazines fight over who gets to cover the show. And Hart is a hoot. The rest of the cast is wonderful too.
She says it's been fun for people who cover tv to see the cast emerge as stars. When the show started David was the draw because of Angel fans..And she's a big fan of Emily's and says it's been nice to see her doing more promotion and such on her own this season. Yes as has been speculated a lot has to do with Jamie's pregnancy and David needing to stay close to home but Hart felt she was ready to go on her own as well..
12. They are trying to get Zooey for a guest star..
13. We are right. They are trying to get a big name for Booth's grandfather. Among names she's heard are a lot of our suggestions. From what she understands Alan Alda is one of the leading candidates. And he would love to do the show because he watches the show..
14. Episode 5 is not the disaster we think it might be and it is not what it appears to be necessarily but they're being very tightlipped about it..She has not heard anything about a love interest for either Booth or Brennan behind a date (she has heard Booth might get a date) and thinks it would be out by now... And she can't 100 percent confirm it but Angela does not sleep with Booth. She has heard it's neither Booth or Hodgins....
Aiiiiiiii e setembro que nao chega!!! Arffffffff
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