quinta-feira, 17 de novembro de 2011

[Castle] Happy B-Day, Kate Beckett !!!

Hey, Casketters!

Remember once that Andrew Marlowe said November 17th is Beckett's Bday?

Well, because of that I decided to make a special post about our lovely detective in my blog in the name of every Castle Fan and the followers of @TodoFandeCastle.

Hope you like it!

This is especially for you, Detective Kate Beckett from your Brazilians fans!!!

Things we LOVE about Kate Beckett (not necessarily in this order) :

* Her sexy moves on a dance floor
* The smile...
* Her friendship with the boys
* The teasing moments where she takes Castle out of focus
* The way she cravesss for Coffee
* Because she can kick asses
* Her dependency on Castle for coffee
* Her bubble baths
* She plays guitar
* She got the perfect look for a bond girl
* Her power with a gun in her hands
* She smells like cherries
* Because Stana gives life to her
* The Hair (every woman dies to have Beckett's hair)
* The way she runs with high heels
* She would get Castle out of jail
* The vulnerability behind her strengh
* The way she advises Castle about Alexis (stepmom)
* Because she's a tiger in the interrogation room
* The way she controls Castle
* She put herself before others
* She's a huge fan of Castle (the writer)
* The killing looks
* She has a great heart
* She cares
* She's an one-writer girl and muse
* She eagers for justice even though she didn't get her own yet (her mother's case)
* She's an independent self-centered woman
* Her bossy way and intelligence to survive in a Man's world.
* Because she remembers everything

Last and maybe the most important one and I'm pretty sure that every Caskett in the world agrees with me:

* She loves Castle - ALWAYS


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